Author: Michael L. Gowens
Paperback 323 pp
Reg. $19.95 – End of Year Sale Price $16.00
Does the Old Testament seem disjointed to you, like so many pieces of a disassembled motor in a mechanic shop? Have you ever wondered about the nexus between the Old Testament and the New? Understanding Your Bible may help.
This study through the Old Testament is an attempt to distill and crystallize the dominant theme of Divine Revelation while demonstrating how the various parts tie together as the theme develops. Like the various pieces of a puzzle connect together to form a coherent picture, so an understanding of how the many details of the OT fit into the developing story-line (such as which prophets were contemporary with which kings and why a grasp of the historical background is critical to the interpretation of each passage) is helpful to the Bible student who seeks a better grasp of the entire Bible.
Commenting on this particular title, Mike Gowens states: “Of the various books I’ve written, Understanding Your Bible is far and away my personal favorite. The particular study that led to this title was arguably the most thrilling and educational bit of intensive Bible study I’ve ever done. If I were asked which title from my pen has brought me the greatest level of personal satisfaction, I would have to point to this one.”
Order your copy today and join the author as he traces the plot of Scripture through the rising action of Old Testament history and prophecy and shows how it all fits together, paving the way for the message of the New Testament.
2nd Edition Copyright 2021
ISBN 978-1-929635-34-4