A. W. Tozer once said, “I’ve been assessing the church for many years and have come to this conclusion: People today are politely bored with God. People expect the preacher to say or do something to attract their attention, because if he just talks about God, they will be bored.” I suspect Mr Tozer is correct. But the reason modern Christians are “politely bored” with God is because they have never grasped the Biblical portrait of His character. This study on God’s attributes may help you to see Him in His glory so that you will never be bored again.
Ten 15-minute radio messages by Michael L. Gowens, originally aired on “Sovereign Grace Today”.
1. The Eternity of God
2. The Holiness of God
3. The Sovereignty of God
4. The Wisdom of God
5. The Power of God
6. The Omnipresence of God
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7. The Immutability of God
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8. The Graciousness of God
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9. The Love of God
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10. The Faithfulness of God
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